Eurogomma - News - Reti in Poliuretano



HERCULES polyurethane screen panels

HERCULES  are the 305x305mm polyurethane screen panels for the super heavy impact areas.

They can receive big falling rocks, fast running stones falling from chutes and conveyor belts and big materials with high bulk density.

No other product can beat HERCULES screens in resisting big impacts.

The high distance between the top of the bars and the screening surface avoid the big and heavy rocks to impact on the screening apertures.

HERCULES are the first line of screen panels in the toughest impact area of the screen deck followed by:

·         SUPA Tough Boy

·         Tough Boy

·         Standard screens

You can download product brochure at this link

HERCULES polyurethane screen panels

polyurethane screens mining screens wear resistant screens


Custom shaped polyurethane liners, more news...

We are happy that our clients have correctly interpreted our June newsletter and they have inquired customized liners to perfectly suit their demands.

The latest products that we were called to manufacture are polyurethane lining plates with zig-zag section.

Our polyurethane hardness and elasticity were specifically designed for the application and the mould was internally produced to offer a competitive price.

Do not stop asking us for products and solutions for your specific needs.

That is our philosophy and our work.

Custom shaped polyurethane liners, more news...

wear liners polyurethane liners polyurethane wear liners polyurethane BASF customized liners


Custom shaped polyurethane liners

The growing request of custom shaped polyurethane liners is pushing us to improve in increase our offer.

More and more clients are interested in a product that they can easily and rapidly install and de-install.

Our liners fit into all the wear areas where material flows or slides.

Every client is filed in our systems with mention of his needs and the characteristics of his purchase orders and that allows us to immediately recognize the specific liner to produce once the moment to replace it comes.

A significant reduction of downtime translates into economical saving and higher productivity.

For more information download our brochure at

Custom shaped polyurethane liners

polyurethane liners wear liners polyurethane lining polyurethane wear lining wear liners


New products made in Italy

The persistence of the Russian-Ukranian conflict and the consequent exclusion of the Russian economical players in the international business have brought us to the decision to relocate the production of some our best sellers to Italy.

Now our Italian factory manufactures and supplies abroad some of the products making us famous:

·         EURO-PS Supa Tough Boy and Tough Boy polyurethane screening panels

·         EURO-PS Wavy Top polyurethane screening panels

·         EURO-PS Roll-on polyurethane screening panels


These products leave our Italian factory with Italian certificate of origin to reach our Clientele all over the World.

New products made in Italy

polyurethane screens polyurethane screen panels polyurethane screening polyurethane screening panels


EURO-Mic custom made screening panels

We have just presented a newsletter about our EURO-Mic superfine screening panels in February and it is time already to tell about this product again.

EUROGOMMA is famous for our ability to customize all our products.

Our EURO-Mic polyurethane superfine screening panels are not an exception.

We have just manufactured polyurethane screening panels with the special dimensions of 1800x700mm and slot apertures of 0,45mm

We can offer our EURO-Mic screening panels with the maximal dimensions of 2000x4000mm and lowest aperture size of 0,20mm slot 

EURO-Mic custom made screening panels

polyurethane screens Derrick screens polyurethane fine screens polyurethane screen mesh polyurethane screen panel


Sand and stone collecting polyurethane lining pads

The idea is quite simple but very effective.

An elastic liner exploits the compression ability of the elastomers joined to their abrasion resistance to fight against the wearing action of materials impacting, flowing and sliding on.

These characteristics make elastomers a perfect product to resist the wear of minerals and aggregates.

However experience demonstrates that no material is better to resist wear and abrasion than the material itself.

On this principle we created our sand and stone collecting polyurethane lining pads.

The ziz-zag section of our liners creates “bellies” where sand and stones sit.

The couple action of our abrasion resistant polyurethane together with that of the settled material make our products a wonderful solution.

Sand and stone collecting polyurethane lining pads

Polyurethane lining Polyurethane liners wear resistant polyurethane mining wear liners polyurethane wear liners


STB Eurocoating in polishing barrels

Polishing barrels are very diffused in many industrial processes for the surface finishing of metal products like screws, cutlery, handles, holders, stirrups and of plastic products as well.

The polishing is given by fine abrasion on the products and it is evident that the abrasion attacks the barrel too.

That is why the barrels are often coated with wear resistant polyurethane.

Our sprayed polyurethane STB Eurocoating is perfect for these applications thanks to its excellent abrasion resistance properties and its ductility in every application.

Please contact us in case you need to coat your barrel either you are interested in becoming an installer.

STB Eurocoating in polishing barrels

Polishing barrel wear restistant coating polyurethane sprayable polyurethane


Customized solutions for trommel screens

We have already said a number of times how Eurogomma is focused on creating customized solutions to all our clients.

The applications in trommel screening are not out of our approach to every new technical challenge.

One of our clients asked us to refit their trommel screen with our products.

The trommel screen was originally designed to accommodate 305x305mm screen panels but that design was lacking in terms of open area.

For that reason we twisted the system changing the scheme from 305x305mm panels to bigger panels bolted to the trommel with bolting down bars.

We did not change the modularity of the system but we increased open area and reduced the intervention time thanks to the decrease of the fastening spots.

New challenges are what make us better. Submit us yours

Customized solutions for trommel screens

trommel screen polyurethane screen polyurethane screening panel customised polyurethane mining

Derrick screens fine screening panels fine screens mining


Bubbles, bubbles, bubbles

Thanks to the cooperation with equipment Manufacturers our range of components for flotation cells keeps increasing.
Our listing is now added of polyurethane rotors and diffusers for these cell sizes:
160 m³
50 m³
30 m³
15 m³
10 m³
Our unique polyurethane elastomer formulation keeps demonstrating to be extremely performing in flotation cells and the end users are very satisfied of the wear life offered.
We are confident that we will improve our range of models rapidly.
We will keep you informed.

Bubbles, bubbles, bubbles

flotation metso outotec rotors diffusers stators


The new dart valve part catalogue is now online

It is not easy to keep implementing and diversifying our product range but we keep trying and when results are so beautiful we must let the World know.
Our components for the dart valve leveling system in froth flotation cells are just fantastic and we could not resist from creating a specific catalogue for our clients and followers to read.
You can download the catalogue at the link
In case you would like to read the Spanish version please contact us at to let us forward to your mail.

The new dart valve part catalogue is now online

flotation cell polyurethane mining dart valve


Spark free polyurethane cutting edge for wheel loaders

Flammable materials require special precautions.
Loading wood chips, lignite, phosphorus, sulphur, fluorite,etc. can be extremely hazardous because the steel buckets of wheel loaders may generate sparkles when scraping on the ground.

Our polyurethane cutting edges for wheel loaders are spark free and prevent any risk of flaming.
In consideration of the low friction coefficient and the high abrasion resistance of our polyurethane our cutting edges are a fantastic product for several loading applications.

Download product catalogue at the link Polyurethane cutting edge for wheel loaders.pdf (

Spark free polyurethane cutting edge for wheel loaders

Wheel loader cutting edge polyurethane spark-free


GET flexy high efficiency screening system in diamond mining

That is how everything started.

GET flexy was invented to sort out the pegging problems in diamond ore screening and then it became the screening system to improve efficiency in every application in mining and material handling.

However we can never forget our first love and GET flexy is called once again to sort diamonds in South Africa.

You  can have a rapid look in youtube at the link

polyurethane screens flip flow screens flip flop screens mining polyurethane


Clamp-in fine wire mesh in PU modular screens

When Eurogomma invented and patented our GET flexy screening system – – we did not see all the variants of usage that this system could bring us to.

One of the latest applications is related to the installation of fine wire mesh on screen decks equipped with polyurethane and rubber modular panels.

Sometimes the technical scenario requires the change to wire screens for several reasons (efficiency increase, process material testing, cut size redefinition, laboratory requirements, etc.) and going from a modular screens to cross tensioned wire screens can be a real headache.

No headache anymore with our GET flexy wire screen panels clamping in our 304,8x304,8mm PU frames.

PU frames are fastened to the deck with the standard pin and sleeve system.

The same frames stay on the deck and only the GET flexy wire screens are replaced at need.

As simple and easy as you wish ;)

Please download the PDF catalogue for more information

GET flexy steel wire screening system.pdf (

Clamp-in fine wire mesh in PU modular screens

polyurethane screens polyurethane screen panels rubber screens rubber screen panels woven wire screens welded wire screens


More and more rubber screens

Considering that some of our biggest and most important clients in mining sit in countries being large producers of crude rubber, Eurogomma has strategically decided to focus a significant portion of our marketing and sale efforts on rubber screens.

The applications of our rubber screening products in heavy duties in mining are growing and that is helping us to achieve our production targets in the near future.

Thanks to a network of production facilities located in different countries in Europe and abroad, Eurogomma can always guarantee the trouble-free delivery of our products to all our clients in every area of the World.

Our catalogue is available at the link

More and more rubber screens

Rubber screens screen panels screening mining


GET flexy screening system for cereal cleaning and separation

In many cereal cleaning and separation machines screen decks are made of a sandwich system made of wood and wire steel mesh with elastic rubber balls in the middle. 

The system is simple and light but it has some flaws: once the mesh is worn in any spot, all the system must be dismantled and the mesh replaced   

GET flexy offers a significative improvement in this sense. Link to this address to understand why

GET flexy screening system for cereal cleaning.pdf (

GET flexy screening system for cereal cleaning and separation

Screening cereal cleaning cereal separation polyurethane GETflexy screens


Polyurethane screen panels with SS wire mesh

Sometimes screen decks are designed to install modular panels but material process conditions need the usage of woven wire screens.

Theoretically that requires a complete retrofitting of the screen deck, so to allow the installation of wire screens.

Of course that is costly, time consuming and it creates a breakthrough with the conceptual spirit of the machine.

The question is: why going through all that? Isn’t it just better to keep the modular system and anyway having wire screens installed?

If your answer is yes, we have a good news for you. Eurogomma manufactures polyurethane modular panels with the insertion of SS wire mesh.

EURO-FG polyurethane modular screens.pdf (

The product is available with an aperture range rising from  very fine (0,1mm) up to big ones (50mm). 

Polyurethane screen panels with SS wire mesh

polyurethane screens screens mining polyurethane mining polyurethane screen panels woven wire screens


The new year starts with a new product of Eurogomma: Flotation dart valves

Dart valves are a new system to keep the levels under control in flotation cells.

The loss of concentrate mass negatively effects the productivity of the flotation circuit and that is why the level control must be as accurate as possible.

Dart valves represent a significant improvement in this sense and, like rotors and stators, the material lining these parts is crucial to guarantee performance and long life.

There is where Eurogomma can offer an advantage. Our materials and molding system make this solution the best possible.

Are you interested or just curious? Contact us, we can tell you more…

The new year starts with a new product of Eurogomma: Flotation dart valves

Flotation dart valves flotation cells polyurethane mining


Customised hydrocyclone liners

Cycloning is an essential part of the process of several material industries like mining, waste water and food processing.

The Hydrocyclone manufacturers are responsible for the liners as well and it is often a challenge to find an alternative to OEM.

Our involvement in mining has pushed us to create a “CAD/CAM” offer in order to produce hydrocyclone liners from clients’ samples.

What we are offering is not simply a better price or shorter delivery time opportunity but a wider variety of materials.

Natural rubber, synthetic rubber of different grades and polyurethane are part of our portfolio.

Contact us to know what we can do to help you with your hydrocyclones or just send your samples. We are ready to work on it soon ;)

Customised hydrocyclone liners

Hydrocylones hydrocyclone lining hydrocyclone liners rubber liners polyurethane liners


A monstrous proposal WOOAHAHAH

November is the month when Eurogomma renews our stocks.

Christmas holidays are just a few shots away and we get set to start the new year with full strength.

It is the moment to offer special prices for our stock items and that is why we are happy to grant a 30% discount on all orders of polyurethane spare parts for slurry pumps coming before the 15th of November 2021.

Please open this link to see the full range of available polyurethane pump parts

A monstrous proposal WOOAHAHAH

Slurry pumps polyurethane impeller Warman pumps Schabaver pumps Linatex pumps


Fine screening PURFil panels

Our Research & Development team is often busy with making the apertures in our screen panels finer and finer.

A lot of users are looking for wear resistant products to replace steel wire meshes in fine screening.

Fortunately our efforts are frequently repaid by success and now it is the time to let you know about PURFil.

PURFil panels are finally available with fine apertures from 0,75mm and over.

Please download the new brochure at this link

Fine screening PURFil panels

Polyurethane wire screens polyurethane screen panels polyurethane wire mesh polyurethane screening fine screening


Trommel screens for grinding mills

Our trommel screens are tailor made for every application.

Our technical team is involved in the engineering, designing, mechanical verification and installation of the product in your specific scenario.

The trommel structure can be galvanized, epoxy painted, PU coated or rubber lined.

Our trommels are cylindrical, conical and octagonanl and they are equipped with polyurethane/rubber wear resistant screen panels, with the option to install spiral bars, lifter bars and weir bars.

More information at

Trommel screens for grinding mills

Trommel screen polyurethane screen Mill trommel ball mill SAG mill rod mill


Superfine Superflow polyurethane screens

Superflow is the non-blinding screening aperture of Eurogomma ( .

Well, that is not a big news but what is new is the production of Superflow apertures with superfine dimensions.

Thanks to our technology we can produce Superflow apertures of 1mm and under.

This solution is very useful in fine screening where dry materials often lead to pegging and blinding.

Since now on our Superfine Superflow screens will be of great help in all those cases.

Superfine Supeflow apertures are applicable to all our tensioned and modular screen systems like:

Superfine Superflow polyurethane screens

Polyurethane screens polyurethane screen panels fine screening non-blinding screens non-pegging screens polyurethane fine screening


Polyurethane coated finger screens

Finger screens are a typical solution for pre-screening applications in various fields like:

  • Recycling

  • Food processing

  • Briquetting

  • Soil and gravel with high clay content

These screens are made of steel and that should exclude Eurogomma as all our production is based on elastomers but we have realised that we can be beneficial to this technology thanks to the application of polyurethane coatings like our STB Eurocoating

We cut, assemble and weld together the steel finger screen panel and then we coat it with our polyurethane to make it wear and corrosion resistant. Our polyurethane coating is certified for food application and that allow us to install our finger screens also in food processing. It is a surely technically better and cheaper option than using stainless steel screens.

Polyurethane coated finger screens

Polyurethane screens finger screens wear resistant polyurethane polyurethane coating


Something new… again ;)

YES! We love when we are called to do something new because that is the philosophy of our group. Now it is the turn of Eurogomma-Russia.

The biggest gold mining group in Russia, PJSC Polyus has a problem with the liners in their ball mills. Specifically the elevators in pig iron are wearing off too fast and the reason is connected both with abrasion and corrosion.

Everybody knows that our polyurethane gives a breakthrough where abrasion and corrosion are connected.

So, putting together the reasons of the client, the knowledge of our material’s qualities, the creativeness of our Engineers and our constant quest for new ventures, we have convinced ourselves to help Polyus. The first set of polyurethane elevators is now installed in the mill.

Fingers crossed. We’ll keep you posted about the results.

Something new… again ;)

Ball mill mill liners ball mill liners mill elevators polyurethane liners


The way of rubber

If it is true that our rubber screens are mainly addressed to tough applications, rubber is sometimes preferred to polyurethane in some standard situations like gross and trommel screening.

In these occasions our ERStep and EURO-PS screen panels are made of rubber.

Our screen panels are supplied with rubber weir and scroll bars if needed.

Please link to to download product catalogue

The way of rubber

rubber screens rubber screening wear resistant rubber rubber liners


Screening with no limits ?

Endless applications require an endless product range and we are not afraid to afford every request with good will and customer care.

Screen decks in mining and quarrying are typically fitted with worldwide famous screening systems like our EURO-PS ( and our EURO-FG (

However some applications use different screening systems in view of the techno/commercial strategies of the screen machine’s Manufacturer.

Eurogomma is always happy to manufacture what is needed for our clients’ needs as far as the product to replace is free from patent or copyright.

There are many variables in screening and we are ready to consider all of them.

Screening with no limits ?

Polyurethane screen panels polyurethane screens polyurethane screening rubber screens rubber screen panels rubber screening


The polyurethane lined pipes of Eurogomma

The applications of Eurogomma in polyurethane pipe lining are increasing and our commercial strategies for the year 2021 are targeting the pipeline protection from abrasion and corrosion in mining plants.

Please link to the following YouTube link to see one of our pipes (Ø630mm x 2400mm)

This may not be a romantic message at Valentine’s day but we love what we do <3 <3 <3

The polyurethane lined pipes of Eurogomma

polyurethane pipe lining polyurethane lined pipes polyurethane pipes wear resistant polyurethane


Wavy Top now available on ErStep screens

Let’s start 2021 with some good news.

The high efficiency screening system “Wavy Top” of Eurogomma is now available on ErStep screens.

We presented Wavy Top in 2018 like a new and innovative design to improve the efficiency of the 305x305mm screening panels in mining plants.

The product has been a success and that is why we have decided to make it available to other screening systems like ErStep (

Take the chance to try it ;)

Wavy Top now available on ErStep screens

Polyurethane screens Polyurethane screening Step screens Polyurethane screen panels


Seize the opportunity

Definitely 2020 has not been one of the best years for the most of us. Probably you are tired to hear about Covid-19 once again but we all know how much this pandemic has affected our lives in many ways.

Said that, it is important not to lose our determination to grow to overcome this difficult moment, like we have always done.

Eurogomma is offering a small but good opportunity to start 2021 with the right step. Become an installer of our spray-on Polyurethane STB Eurocoating.

Our spray-on STB Eurocoating is a wonderful solution to protect truck beds from wear, corrosion, rusting, scratching and it helps to reduce noise further than keeping your load stable on your truck bed while driving. At the same time STB Eurocoating is a great solution to line screening machines and hoppers in mining and quarries.

If you are a potential client, contact us to put you in touch with our closest installer.

We wish you a wonderful Christmas with your families and a positive start of the new year. Keep strong

Seize the opportunity

polyurethane coating polyurethane lining spray-on lining truck bed liner truck bed lining


We spray artfully

Well, we are not artists but we spray artfully anyway.

Of course, the house specialty are our polyurethane moulded products, where we can use our own high quality elastomers. In some occasions this is not possible or economically not affordable:

  • Contract is for too low quantity

  • Mould cost is too high

  • The product is made of complex surfaces and making a mould is just out of question

There is where it is necessary to spray artfully.

An insightful example is the coating of a scrubber fan for exhaust gas cleaning in a chemical plant.

Eurogomma designed and produced the fan from A to Z (steel cutting, folding, welding and fan balancing) before the application of sprayed Polyurethane.

Every application has the right solution and we know how to do it… how to do it artfully.

We spray artfully

ABB Solyvent Ventec scrubber fan polyurethane coating polyurethane spray polyurethane spray paint


Curvy, curvy, curvy!

EUROGOMMA is the sole World Manufacturer of the polyurethane screen panels with rounded weir bar.

The curvy design is the egg of Columbus leading to a terrific efficiency improvement in those areas of the screen where material flow speed must be reduced to offer a better screening.

You can understand the working principle of the product downloading the PDF at   

Are you curious to try if what we say is true?

Contact us to receive a sample for free (transport cost at your charge) or to discuss a trial order at reduced price.

You will see the difference!

Curvy, curvy, curvy!

polyurethane screens polyurethane screen panels polyurethane screening mining


Self-supporting POLYURETHANE screening panels with fine apertures

Fine screening is a typical application for stainless steel wire meshes.

Efficiency is high but wear life of the screen meshes is a real nightmare.

The replacements are so frequent that the process is economically affected because of the numerous shutdowns.

Eurogomma has been working in this environment for years offering polyurethane screen panels instead of wire meshes.

What is new now is the opportunity to install our self-supporting screen panels on your deck even in fine screening.

This may not sound like a big improvement but in several occasions the decks for fine screening are made of very light metal frame.

In those cases the usage of self-supporting POLYURETHANE screening panels makes the difference so to offer long life and high efficiency also in fine screening.

Self-supporting POLYURETHANE screening panels with fine apertures

Polyurethane screens fine screening polyurethane screening panels polyurethane self-supporting screening panels


Polyurethane screen panels with PURFil meshes

Modular screens are the standard screening system in mining, quarrying and bulk material handling. We are all aware of the qualities making modular panels so appreciated by the end users. Unfortunately it is very clear that the product sometimes gives efficiency problems because of the low open area. There is where the usage of PURFil meshes are worth the application.

PURFil has the same open area of woven wire meshes but offering a 3 to 5 times longer wear life. Eurogomma manufactures special modular screens with the insertion of PURFil meshes.

All our main modular systems are available with this design:



ErStep ( )


The products are available with aperture size of 2,5x2,5mm and over. 

Polyurethane screen panels with PURFil meshes

Polyurethane screen mesh polyurethane screening polyurethane screens polyurethane screening panels polyurethane screen panels


2 more Superflexy screens in France

It was exactly one 1 year ago when we told our followers about our first Superflexy screen in France for the classification of municipal solid waste (MSW) clinker. The installation has been extremely successful and has led to two new orders in France for the same application:

SF 1500x5670/18, near city of Chartres

Processed material :MSW clinker 0 - 35 mm at 70 t/h ; Cut at 8 mm

Out : 0 - 8 mm (75%) ; 8 - 30 mm (25%)

First run in October 2020

SF 1200x4725/12, near city of Caen

Processed material :MSW clinker 0 - 35 mm at 50 t/h ; Cut at 8 mm

Out : 0 - 8 mm (75%) ; 8 - 30 mm (25%)

First run in November 2020


Any interest?  Please contact us. We would be happy to forward all necessary information

2 more Superflexy screens in France

Flip flop screen flip flow screen polyurethane screen clinker MSW

Innovation interview mining techology polyurethane screens mining polyurethane mining


Let’s customise!

If there is any characterizing in our production that is customisation.

In our philosophy, innovation and customisation are strictly connected because it is thanks to our Clients that we can detect which solutions are necessary to create progress in the market.

As a matter of example, one of our Clients in designing and manufacturing drilling and foundation equipment contacted a Eurogomma event  they needed a special and unique screening solution for a new application in the extension of a Paris subway.

In fact, the limit in available space in the contraction site demanded to screen two fractions on the same screen deck, one flowing along the other.

Of course, our answer was “yes, we can” and actually we could because we designed and manufactured polyurethane tensioned screen panels with 2,5mm non-blinding apertures on one side and with 0,3mm slot apertures on the other.

Since mid 2019 the system had been operating and granting the required screening efficiency with great satisfaction with all the parties involved.

Submit us your problems. We’ll be happy to say yes again and again.

Let’s customise!

polyurethane screens polyurethane screen panels polyurethane screening self-cleaning screens polyurethane screening panels


Flip flow PU and TPU screen panels

The range of our PU and TPU screen panels for flip flow installations keeps growing together with our market of these products.

New materials, new apertures, new design are available and the development is constantly updated.

Please download our new catalogue… until some other innovation will make us change it again.

Flip flow PU and TPU screen panels

Polyurethane screens polyurethane screen panels flip flow screen flip flop screens polyurethane flip flow screen screen trampoline spannwellsiebe


EURO-FG polyurethane screening panels

EURO-FG is one of the most diffused polyurethane screening systems in Europe.

It was important to update the product catalogue to show how EURO-FG has been innovated in the last years with new solutions to increase efficiency and productivity.

Considering that many vibrating screens in Europe, USA and other countries of the World are set to install this screen panel model it is important to offer a wide range of materials and aperture sizes further than new solutions like our GET flexy ( in order to give to our clients all the necessary technical support to achieve their goals. 

Please download the new catalogue at this link

EURO-FG polyurethane screening panels

Polyurethane screens polyurethane screen panels WS85 screens WS85 screen panels WS85 polyurethane screens


Polyurethane tensioned screens

Since Eurogomma started the business in 1975 our tensioned screens – in rubber and polyurethane – have always been our best sellers.

One of the reason is that our tensioned screen panels have frequently evolved across the years to offer a constant improvement both in terms of efficiency and wear life.

The time has come to renew our catalogue and give new relevance to a product that has characterized our history till now.

Please download the new catalogue at this link

Polyurethane tensioned screens

polyurethane screens polyurethane screen panels polyurethane screening urethane screens urethane screen panels polyurethane tensioned screens tensioned screens polyurethane tensioned screen panels


Polyurethane sheet lining for Silos

Silos are a World diffused storage system for a number of materials.

They are largely used in the food industry to store cereals like grain, malt, soya beans, hops and others but also for the animal feed.

In several occasions Silos are subjected to the wearing action of the stored material and frequently they suffer clogging because of high moisture in the product. 

Polyurethane is a wonderful solution to line Silos internally and prevent both the problems mentioned above.

Download the PDF at this link

Polyurethane sheet lining for Silos

Polyurethane polyurethane lining silo lining silo polyurethane lining wear resistant lining wear resistant polyurethane


So fine…

There is no screening application where Eurogomma can’t propose a customized solution.

Fine screening is often problematic because productive efficiency is not matching with wear life of the screening media and vice versa… until now.

We propose flexible screen panels for flip-flow and vibrating screen applications made of different grades of polyurethane joined together so to offer high elasticity for better efficiency and excellent tensile strength for longer life.


Starting from 150 micron aperture size and 1mm cloth thickness we can design every possible solution for your specific needs and your material characteristics.

So fine…

Polyurethane screens polyurethane screening flip flow screen flip flop screen spannwellsieb criba flip flow crible flip flop polyurethane screen panels


Watch our SUPERFlexy flip flop screen in action

This video on YouTube show you the main characteristics of our flip flop screen:

  • high G force
  • strong and sturdy structure
  • extremely low vibrations

Vaglio flip flop vaglio flip flow flip flop screen flip flow screen spannwellsieb crible flip flow crible flip flop criba flip flow criba flip flow


Tensioned rubber screens

Well, this is not a new product but we have something to offer anyway.

Eurogomma has been making punched screen cloths for many years but now punching has started in Eurogomma Russia as well, so we are re-proposing some of our war horses.

Tensioned rubber screens are so diffused that there's no reason to mention but it is worth to talk about our improvements to this product.

The hooks are typically a critical area in a tensioned screen because the material flowing in their area is wearing the metal making the hooks compromising the general life of the product.

Our polyurethane hook protections have a longer wear life than the rubber cloth and that preserves the general duration of the product.

On the same principle the central polyurethane protection bar helps the rubber panel to work as long as possible.


Contact us at for every query or inquiry that you may have.

Tensioned rubber screens

Rubber screens rubber tensioned screens rubber screening rubber screen panels rubber screen for mining: rubber screen for quarry wear resistant rubber


EURO-PS polyurethane screen panels with rounded weir bar

There is nothing that we love more than innovating.

Every problem of our clients is a challenge that we want to win in order to bring something new and something better into the market.

It is true that weir bars on screen panels help to  keep the material on the screen deck but are they really effective?

They create a sort of a damn but the 90° angle between the screening surface and the weir bar makes sand sit there creating a deposit locking the apertures.

So, a screen panel becomes a blank panel in days or in hours.

Our EURO PS screen panels with rounded weir bars avoid this problem because the rounded angle between the screening surface and the weir bar allows the constant flow of material and water.

Besides the usage of the weir bar surface allows our Designers to increase the number of apertures with an average 15% open area improvement versus the standard models.

Furthermore the rounded shape reduces also the wearing effect on the screening surface for a longer product life.

Clink on this link to download the PDF

EURO-PS polyurethane screen panels with rounded weir bar

polyurethane screen rubber screen polyurethane screening panel polyurethane screen with weir bar polyurethane weir bar polyurethane scroll bar polyurethane screen with scroll bar polyurethane screen cloth rubber screening panel


Polyurethane membrane screen panels with Australian standards

After our successful exhibition at Minex Mount Isa EUROGOMMA is developing a number of products targeting the Australian market… but not only.

Differently from other mining markets where the screen panel standard is 1’x1’ or 305x305mm several modular screen systems in Australia are based on the dimensions 305x610mm 

In this view we are designing a range of screening products to fit into this standard and presenting our war horses to the Clientele in order to offer a technical advantage versus the locally available products.

One of our war horses are our polyurethane membrane screens. 

The elasticity of the screening surface is extremely helpful to avoid pegging and blanking and increases the efficiency of every screen where solid polyurethane panels were in operation before us.

Polyurethane membrane screen panels with Australian standards

polyurethane screens polyurethane screen panels urethane screens urethane screen panels rubber screens rubber screen panels membrane screens polyurethane membrane screens polyurethane elastic screens membrane polyurethane screen panels rubber membrane screens



It is a fact that EUROGOMMA targets mining as the core market for our elastomer wear resistant products.

However the versatility of our materials makes them suitable to several applications.

Our screening systems and wear components are installed in sand & gravel, material recycling, oil drilling and in agriculture as well. 

Thanks to our factory in Russia – the country historically called “the granary of Europe” – the application of our products in the agriculture is rapidly booming.

We are the Manufacturer of polyurethane insert lining for gravity flow pipes and elbows for the transportation of grain.

In fact the high flow speed of grain into the pipes  is creating high abrasion, especially in the elbows, and the great wear resistance of our polyurethane makes our products a wonderful solution.

As a matter of comparison our liners have been treating more than 250.000 tons of wheat so far when the original steel pipes can bear a maximum of 30.000 tons

Last but not least, the design of our lining inserts is significantly helping the application process so to reduce shutdown time and enhancing general productivity.

Where other wear resistant solutions – sheet lining, lined pipes,etc. – take considerable time for installation our inserts are applied in a time lapse of seconds.

This is especially important in all those scenarios where pipe welding is not possible on spot and all the operations must be done in the workshop before bringing the pipes to the plant.

At high point elevators maintenance operations are very difficult, so the usage of our light weight and easy to install lining inserts is simply a Godsend.

Clients like Rusagro ( are already taking advantage of our pipe insert liners and the actual trends show this is a growing market for us.


Agricolture grain wheat transport polyurethane wear liners wear resistant coating


Vive la France!

Yes, it may sound strange to hear these words from an Italian guy but… “Vive la France!”

SUPERflexy is quite a new product in the field of flip-flop screens and France is historically affectionate to the German technology in this sense.

The experience and technical competence of our French representative has demonstrated to the transalpine clients in that SUPERflexy has nothing to envy to longstanding screening technology.

We have been commissioned a SUPERflexy screen - model 1.0x4.09 /flat deck / bolt down - by a client in Normandy to classify clinker under 8mm

Our client has appreciated these important qualities of our technology:

  1. The machine is robust and all the components are very durable

  2. Screening is given by the torsion of the bars supporting the screen panels creating a consistent and constant elastic effect

  3. Driving power requires a low Kw consumption

  4. SUPERflexy in entirely made of galvanized steel (except the elastic components) and internally lined with stainless steel plates to resist corrosion

  5. SUPERflexy works almost free of vibrations because the flip-flop effect is not created by a floating frame or by the motion of the screening unit but by the torsion of the transversal bars


We are very happy of  this first step in the French market and we are sure that Jérôme will bring new clients to appreciate the qualities of our SUPERflexy.

Our compliments and congratulations Jérôme!

Vive la France!

Flip-flop screens flip-flow screens polyurethane screens polyurethane screen panels clinker screening polyurethane flip flop screens polyurethane flip flow screening trampoline screen polyurethane trampoline screens


Another great success of Eurogomma: Our ROLL-ON screen panels work great at Perseus Gold

In August 2018 we informed our followers about a new unique product of Eurogomma:

our ROLL-ON polyurethane screen panels.

The product was designed for our client Perseus Gold in Ghana, West Africa.

8 months passed from that moment and the client is now happy to declare his complete satisfaction.

Their exact words are:

The roll on panels hardly gets pegged, an indication that almost all the scats rolled on for clean-up which is very good. The roll on did 10days better than the tough boy installed at the same area or region on the screen. So we had roughly 1.5 months usage where others were barely making 1 month.

This is another of the numerous proofs that Eurogomma has the ability, the skills and the creativeness to create a solution to your problems and furthermore that we have the instruments and the technology to make products transforming that solution into reality.

Another great success of Eurogomma:
Our ROLL-ON screen panels work great at Perseus Gold

Polyurethane screens Polyurethane screen panels polyurethane screen cloths Perseus gold gold mining gold mining screens mining screens urethane screens urethane screen panels


THIS IS HOW WE DO IT Classifying 0>200 micron sand with polyurethane panels is not easy but this is how we do it

When a new client contacted us because in trouble the classification of sand under 200 micron on his flip flop screens we immediately replied: we can help.

The client was complaining about having too big sand in the under product.

We studied the technical scenario and asked for a sample of the actual screen panels.

We realized that the apertures with had dimensions varying from 0,15x15mm to 0,35x15mm and we also saw sand particles stuck inside the apertures making them wider.

Well, the problem was recognized but how to create a solution?


We put our R&D department on the problem and our Engineers were free to use every available material, to design and produce every aperture shape and dimensions.

Every design were tested through the creation of samples and the result verified.

This made us come to the best product with apertures in the range of 0,15x14,5mm and 0,18x15mm


We have come to a great result without asking the client for any financial support and we are always ready to do it for every one of our Clients.

Yes, this is how we do it.

Classifying 0>200 micron sand with polyurethane panels is not easy but this is how we do it

polyurethane screens polyurethane screen panels urethane screens urethane screen panels fine screening polyurethane sand screening polyurethane fine screens flip flop screens polyurethane flip flop screens polyurethane flip flow screen


Rubber screen panels for tough applications

EUROGOMMA is happy to propose to our clients in mining the new range of our rubber screen panels for tough applications like crusher screens and primary ore screening.

Our factory in Russia has celebrated 10 years of productive activity in 2018 and this time lapse has permitted our company to create strategic cooperations with some of the main players in mining in the country.

Tough rubber screens have been widely used in Russian mining plants for the last decades and now we can use this experience to offer our global Clientele a long lasting and highly wear resistant product.

You can download the product catalogue at

Rubber screen panels for tough applications

rubber screens rubber screen panels rubber crusher screens rubber screening crusher screens crusher screening panels wear resistant rubber rubber screen cloths rubber screening media rubber mining rubber mining screens


EUROGOMMA announces our participation to Minex Mount Isa

EUROGOMMA will take part to one of the most representative mining exhibition in Australia.

Between the 30th of May and the 1st of June 2019 you can find us at booth 72 where we will present our products and solutions together with local agent Mr. Stewart Fernandez of Australian Mining Products and Services.

All our Australian clients and followers are invited to meet us there at the end of May.

See you soon!

EUROGOMMA announces our participation to Minex Mount Isa

Minex Mount Isa polyurethane screens Australian mining Eurogomma polyurethane wear liners mining screens wear liners for mining


EUROGOMMA keeps growing

In the August of 2016 we told you about our new factory in Russia and today we are so happy to let you know about the construction of another building.

Yes, Eurogomma is growing thanks to our clients and the success that they have been giving to us.

The construction of the new building is not the only news because that facility is addressed to the Manufacturing of new lines of product:

  • Flip flop screening machines (under license of the Italian Manufacturer Bonera Ecologia)

  • Punched screening panels for flip-flow and tensioned applications


In fact Eurogomma Russia has recently bought its first punching machine and we’ll be happy to supply our punched screen panels to the Clientele during the Spring of 2019

EUROGOMMA keeps growing

Eurogomma Eurogomma Russia polyurethane screens polyurethane liners flip flop screens flip flow screens flip flop screen panels flip flow screen panels


Concrete mixer polyurethane blades and liners

EUROGOMMA manufactures various models of polyurethane blades and liners for concrete mixers.

Our products are available to a variety of machine brands and models globally used.

Thanks to our exclusive usage of top quality BASF polyurethanes our blades and liners prove to offer unbeatable wear life and physical stability.


Don’t hesitate to contact us at for every information and price request.

We are sure to have the right product for your needs.

Concrete mixer polyurethane blades and liners

Concrete mixers polyurethane blades polyurethane liners polyurethane lining


Winter is coming … Choose EUROGOMMA snow plough PU blades

Our polyurethane blades are installed on the snow ploughs cleaning the runways of the airports of Ekaterinburg and Chelyabink in Russia.

We believe this is a significant proof of the high Quality of our product.

If the airports of one of the coldest country of the World rely on Eurogomma to guarantee their necessarily high safety levels we trust that you can do the same.

Get ready. Snow is coming…

Download product catalogue at this link  

Snow plough polyurethane blade snow street cleaning road cleaning Eurogomma


With EUROGOMMA black Friday comes one month earlier!

Bargain prices on a polyurethane screen panel stock with the World standard dimensions of 304,8x304,8mm

Screening apertures from 0,63x11,4mm to 80x80mm

Contact us to know the full list and the unbelievable prices!


IMPORTANT: the Purchase of the screen panels in our “Black Friday” promotion can not replace an existing Purchase Order

With EUROGOMMA black Friday comes one month earlier!

Black Friday polyurethane screens mining screen panels polyurethane screen panels Eurogomma mining quarries


EUROGOMMA in Australia

Australia is one of the top mining countries on global scale and this makes it one of the most attractive markets for all the Manufacturers of equipment and spare parts for mines and quarries.

Of course, we have always had a lively interest in marketing our company, our quality and our solutions to the Australian Clientele but we could not accept to do that without the support of a highly qualified partner having the necessary experience, market knowledge and skills assuring the professional proposition of our brand.

Today we are happy to announce that this cooperation is established.

Stewart Fernandez and his company- Australian Mining Products and Services Pty Limited - are now representing the Eurogomma group all over the territory of Australia and New Zealand.

Here is a bit of the story of Steward from his own words:

“With a background in wear components starting in 1981 with Skega* , subsequently Dunlops Skega* – Trellex* – Svedala/Metso* ; then Corrotech, Melwire/Screenex and then a return to Trelleborg , after a short stint at Nepean Rubber* where  instrumental in introducing the company to a range of mining wear components

After years in design, manufacturing and then since 2007  as an applications reliability consultant . I founded Australian Mining Product and Services to offer unbiased component ideas and to educate end users on the possible range of product available to help improve overall plant efficiencies and reliability, this includes recommendation and an offering of suitable screen media,  that is either of the shelf or specifically designed to improve screening efficiency with a reduced screen downtime

We offer free on site screen audits with report to identify causes of a reduction in screen throughputs as a result of a range of probable unidentified issues that remain unidentified due to a lack of available reporting, we are currently working on projects around Australia with Glencore*, Rio Tinto* , Oz Minerals* and many other large to small mines that I have developed relationships with since entering the mining consumable product back in 1988” 

You can view Stewart’s linkedin profile at


We are sure that our technical capabilities together with the high reputation and market recognition of Stewart Fernandez in Australia will rapidly lead to our success in this wonderful country.

*All mentioned companies and brands are for reference only

EUROGOMMA in Australia

Eurogomma Australian Mining Product and Services polyurethane screens polyurethane trommel screens rubber mill liners Australian mining Australia


GET flexy screens now made also in Russia

It is always been in our plan but it is with great satisfaction that the Eurogomma group has reached a new important industrial target. Eurogomma starts the manufacturing of our unique screening system GET flexy ( also in our Russian factory (

GET flexy is the war horse of our screening product range and it has given us the opportunity to demonstrate our industrial and technical values to some of the World top players in mining.

In this sense the extremely positive experience at Alrosa ( has convinced us that the moment has come to start the manufacturing of this innovative screening media also in Russia.

Our Italian factory will keep supplying our European and African clients with GET flexy and Eurogomma-Russia will be involved in all the supplies to Asia and Far East.

GET flexy screens now made also in Russia

Eurogomma screens GET flexy screens polyurethane screens polyurethane screen panels Russian screens panels Russian polyurethane


The new “Roll on” polyurethane screen panels of Eurogomma

There is a reason why we dedicated a section of our website to our creativeness.
Eurogomma is a dynamic Manufacturer where new ideas are directly translated into new products thanks to a flexible CAD/CAM manufacturing system.

When we recently visited one of our gold mining clients in West Africa the plant manager asked for our help to solve a tedious problem.
Their mill discharge screen is fed with the gravel coming from the SAG Mill and despite there is no visible sand at discharge end the upper size of the mineral is contaminated by high percentage of fines.
Eurogomma technicians recognized the problem being in the fines sticking to the gravel and invented our “Roll on” EURO PS polyurethane screens (

These screen panels are designed with a bump along the flow so to make the stones roll on it and self clean themselves releasing the fines and let them flow under the screen deck.

From the moment we heard about the problem it took less than 5 weeks to design the product, produce the moulds and make the items.

Stay tuned. You will hear about the product performance soon

The new “Roll on” polyurethane screen panels of Eurogomma

Polyurethane screens polyurethane screen panes rubber screens gold mining scalping screens mill discharge screen wear resistant poluyrethane gold ore


Another great success in DIAMOND MINING! GET flexy polyurethane screens beat the competition at ALROSA

After the tremendous success at De Beers Namibia ( the Eurogomma’s patented screening system GET flexy has given another great proof of its value at one of the Mirny diamond mines of Alrosa (, the World leader in diamond mining.

When Evgeny Goryunov, the technical Director of the ore dressing plant N.16 of Nyubirsky GOK, part of the Alrosa diamond mining group, was contacted by Anna Bruy, the Sale Manager of Eurogomma Russia, with the information that Eurogomma could offer a screening product giving guarantee of non-blinding and high productivity with every kind of material he could hardly trust her words.

So, he took a very reasonable decision:

He called Eurogomma into a trial to prove the value of our unique GET flexy screen panels. 

The trial was a success giving complete satisfaction to Mr. Goryunov and here we are to let you know about:

Material type - concentrate of heavy medium separation, milled kimberlite ore.

Max feed size - 6 mm.

Hour tonnage - up to 2 tn/h. 

Bulk density 3.1>3.4 tn/m3

Screen deck parameters: 830x3000mm – 0° inclination

Screening apertures characteristics: 2,8mm Superflow design


Problem before us: the apertures of standard PU panels from another Supplier were blinded with sharp stones. This problem translated into screening efficiency reduction and caused loss of ferrosilicium with consistent overflow.

The benefits offered by GET flexy:  the problem of blinding is almost disappeared and as a result the client has increased screening efficiency and reduced the ferrosilicium loss.

In fact the output has increased of more than 20% and +3mm material under the deck has reduced from 0,385% to 0,018%

Additional benefits of GET flexy:

1. No more maintenance to clean the deck and release the stuck stones from the blinded apertures saving time and avoiding production stops.

2. Replacement of our GET Flexy screen panels is easier than the previous system and this is very important considering the space-limited environment on the screen deck.


Please link to the client internal protocol to see some pictures of the test and learn the technical details at


We want to express our gratitude to the Alrosa mining group and to Mr. Evgeny Goryunov in special way to have given us the chance to prove our value.

Our compliments go to Anna Bruy having the determination, ability and skills to propose a new revolutionary product to her clients. Good job Anna ;)

Another great success in DIAMOND MINING!
GET flexy polyurethane screens beat the competition at ALROSA

Diamond mining Alrosa polyurethane screens polyurethane screen panels GET flexy screens


Tough modular polyurethane screens for primary screening applications

Rubber self-supporting screen panels are a typical product for primary screening.

These screening panels are extremely durable thanks to the strong metal frame inside the wear resistant elastomer moulding.

Unfortunately the massive usage of steel makes the product very heavy and difficult to handle with the consequent request of long downtimes with every replacement.

Since the presentation of our “Super Tough Boy” and “Tough Boy” polyurethane modular screens and thanks to their extremely good wear life the number of our applications of modular panels with a tough design have been rapidly increasing.

A modular screen system based on dimensions 300x300mm or 305x305mm and 300x600mm and 305x610mm makes the replacement operations faster and easier.

Please contact us in case of interest in redesigning your primary screening application with one of our modular systems.

Tough modular polyurethane screens for primary screening applications

Polyurethane screens polyurethane screen panels primary screening tough screening panels


Polyurethane complete lining for Washing Trommels: another success of Eurogomma!

It’s always a big pleasure to convince new clients to believe in us and in our Quality.

However we were really proud when the company Bernegger GmbH from Austria ( approved our proposal to radically change the lining concept of the their Washing Trommel from the polyurethane panel system that they used before to our new design made of modular shell liners, spiral bars and lifter bars.

The complete lining was supplied in 2015 and up to now the client has appreciated the following advantages of our solution:

  1. Lower electrical consumption to run the Washing Trommel: from 48 Kwh to 34Kwh

  2. Higher throughput of material: from 130TPH to 145TPH

  3. Better material cleaning

  4. Lower wear rate of the lining components and possibility to replace every item separately from the others preserving the comprehensive wear life of the system

 Thanks to this success the client has decided to buy and new complete lining for another Washing Trommel having identical dimensions of Ø2,5x7mt and the same application characteristics.

Information about the application and about the results mentioned above can be collected from the Engineer Hubert Rammer at Bernegger Gmbh

Please contact us in case of interest to be linked with him.

Polyurethane complete lining for Washing Trommels: another success of Eurogomma!

Polyurethane lining rubber liners for Washing trommels wear resistant lining for scrubbers wear resistant lining


Wavy top screen panels

EURO-PS wavy top polyurethane screen panels are an invention and unique product of EUROGOMMA.

The top surface is characterized by symmetrical ramps along the flow where screening apertures are located.

This innovative design creates two fantastic effects increasing classification efficiency:

  1. Terrible increase of available screening surface
  2. Guidance of the liquid flow in spiral waves shaking the solid particles inside for better classification


Thanks to the top ramps the screening surface, if flattened, would give a width of 404mm against the standard value of 305mm giving a 32,5% increase!

Last but not least the ramps create a tremendously high mechanical structure of the product resisting heavy load and impacting slurry much better than standard panels.

This is especially important at the feed end of the screen deck where kinetic force of the slurry is typically very strong.

Wavy top screen panels

Polyurethane screen panels EURO PS screen panels wavy top screen panels high efficiency screen panels


NEW! SUPERflexy flip flow screens by EUROGOMMA

When we presented GET flexy to our clientele we did expect a lively interest in the product but we had no idea so many users were in actual emergency in terms of lack of performance with their screens.

This made us understand that the market is ready for a new improvement in terms of classification quality and performance.


This improvement is now possible through the coupled action of a flip flow screening machine with GET flexy as screening media.


In fact EUROGOMMA has concluded an agreement with the Italian company Bonera Ecologia being the Manufacturer of flip flow screens for the last 30 years with massive applications in material recycling in Italy and other European countries.

With Bonera Ecologia having the Know-how and guaranteeing the technical and production control supervision EUROGOMMA can offer a 360° technology for every necessity and application.


Please link to our webpage  to know more about SUPERflexy screens and download machine catalogue.

NEW! SUPERflexy flip flow screens by EUROGOMMA

Flip flow screens Superflexy screen GET flexy screening system polyurethane screens Liwell screens BiviTec screens Trisomat screens Vibrasnap screens flip flow screening


FLIP FLOW SCREENING A growing success of our boomerang shaped apertures

We are all aware of the great impact that green economy has on the development of the 21st century we are living in.

Recycling and giving new life to exhausted materials is the challenge to create a sustainable World economy.

In the recycling process screening is often playing an important role and flip flow machines are more and more used to this scope.


One of the major players in UK for the recovery of plastics from waste vehicles and electronic goods called us in the challenge in 2011 because their flip flow screen – a double deck BiviTec* - was not giving the expected performance: the OEM screen panels were blinding because of the material containing high moisture powder and plastic fibers together with electrical wires and plastic scraps.

Our boomerang and peanut shaped apertures have been offering the solution to the problem since 2011 up to now with great satisfaction of us and of the client.


* Any use of OEM names, trademarks, model no., part no., or serial no. is for reference only. EUROGOMMA is not a distributor or agent affiliated in any way with the referenced OEM.

A growing success of our boomerang shaped apertures

flip flow screens polyurethane flip flow screen panels binder screens polyurethane bivitec screens


GET flexy in iron pellet screening

EUROGOMMA and our Distributor for the Iranian market, the company Parnian Sanat Atlas ( have worked at a new project for iron pellet screening in a plant of the biggest steel producer in Middle East and Northern Africa and the biggest DRI producer in the World.

EUROGOMMA was called into the project as the Manufacturer of the unique patented high efficiency screening system GET flexy ( and Parnian Sanat Atlas as the Manufacturer of the screening machine, a circular motion vibrating double deck  screen 1880x4500mm, in order to process iron pellets with the following characteristics.


Feed rate: 250 TPH

Material type: iron pellets (pelletizing plant)

Max feed size: 25mm

Bulk density:  1.8~2.2   t/cm

Moisture:  3% maximum

Cut size of the top deck:  20mm

Aperture size of the top deck: 20x50mm

Open area of the top deck: 44%

Cut size of the bottom deck: 5mm

Aperture size of the bottom deck: 5x10mm

Open area of the bottom deck: 38%


Information about the final client are visible at

Please don’t hesitate to contact us at to receive more information about the application.



GET flexy in iron pellet screening

Iron pellet screening polyurethane screens GET flexy screen elastic polyurethane screen panels


FLIP FLOW SCREENING - EUROGOMMA improves a flip flow screen with GET flexy

Flip flow screens have been taking more and more market portions in the last decade and the users are typically very happy of the performance offered by this technology but some aspects of these machines are sometimes disappointing who works with them.

As in every other industrial field defects can be solved or anyway reduced.

In this view Eurogomma has worked to use the qualities of our patented system GET flexy in order to improve some characteristics of the flip flow screeners.

 Recently we have applied GET flexy to a Liwell*  LF 2.0 – 7.56/36 ED – big


Please link to youtube at and look what we have done.

* Any use of OEM names, trademarks, model no., part no., or serial no. is for reference only. EUROGOMMA is not a distributor or agent affiliated in any way with the referenced OEM.

Polyurethane screens flip flow screens flip flow screen panels Liwell screens GET flexy screens


GOLD MINING Another success in gold ore screening in West Africa at Perseus Gold Mining Ltd thanks to our SUPA TOUGH BOY and TOUGH BOY screening panels

After the very successful application at Goldfields Tarkwa ( Eurogomma is very happy to have achieved another undoubtedly tremendous success at Perseus Gold Mining  Ltd ( being an important player in gold mining in West Africa.


Perseus Gold Mining Ltd had been suffering critical wear rates of the screening media equipping their SAG Mill discharge screen because of some crucial reasons like:

  • High drop fall of the ore from the SAG Mill discharge to the screen deck – ca. 1 meter

  • Big ore feed size – in the range of 60>82mm

  • High flow speed of the ore at feed end creating a considerable impact force


All these factors were translating into a rapid wear out of all screening media before Eurogomma came into the job whatever the Supplier, the material (rubber or polyurethane), the panel thickness, the design, etc. Perseus Mining decided to use.


It’s our big pride to declare that the Quality of our:

  • Problem analysis system

  • Product design

  • Materials

have permitted our reputed client to improve the life of the screening media from 2 to 8 days with a consequent massive economical saving thanks to the drastic reduction of shutdowns and therefor the improvement of  operativity.


Our gratitude goes to our client Perseus Gold Mining Ltd and to their Process Manager - Oblokul Oblokulov for giving us the opportunity to show our value and to publish this information.

Another success in gold ore screening in West Africa at Perseus Gold Mining Ltd
thanks to our SUPA TOUGH BOY and TOUGH BOY screening panels

Perseus Gold Mining polyurethane screens polyurethane screen panels high wear rate long life



When almost one year ago we announced the establishment of a new factory in Russia everybody in Eurogomma Russia was anxious to start working in the new facility.

That moment has come and it has offered the occasion for our team to enjoy a great celebration where the spirits of the people making the company have joined together to have fun, to consolidate the harmony in the group and finally make everybody aware of the satisfactions coming from the excellent work performed by every member in this team.


On the 8th of September 2017 the party started at the factory and it continued in night with food, drinks a big fun…. let’s build another factory again…



Party Eurogomma Russia new factory polyurethane


NR40 A new rubber lining product

Eurogomma is happy to offer our clientele a new rubber lining product.

NR40 is designed to protect several surfaces in metal, concrete, plastic, etc. thanks to the addition of a 1mm Neoprene bonding layer under the natural rubber protective sheet so to guarantee easy and durable application in combination with the most of adhesives available on the global market.

NR40 is typically used to protect hydrocyclones, screener boxes, bunkers, silos, discharge chutes, etc.

Please download product leaflet at

A new rubber lining product

Natural rubber rubber lining rubber sheeting NR40


GET flexy Whelk shell screening

As a Manufacturer targeting the mining and aggregate fields it was quite a curious case for Eurogomma to be called into a project to classify live whelk shells.

The reasons basically stay in the high ductility of the GET flexy system being applicable to an almost limitless number of screening applications.

When we offered the client an empirical screening trial with GET flexy he could not refuse the opportunity and that demonstrated once again how effective GET flexy is in every occasion.

That was made possible through the technical cooperation with the Screener fabricator VIBRAPLANT ( making the trial Screener available for the test.

GET flexy screening panels polyurethane screens polyurethane screening panels Vibraplant screens Eurogomma


GOLD MINING Creativeness = new products

If a section of our website is dedicated to creativeness there must be a reason (

That’s what our clients want from us and what they expect.


Gold mining is frequently facing a number of problems in mineral classification because highest efficiency rate is demanded – especially nowadays with low gold price – without reducing the life of the screening media.

One of our reputed clients involved in gold mining in West Africa was so afflicted by the efficiency in their SAG trommel so deciding to use steel wire screens instead of durable products like rubber or polyurethane. 

In this scenario Eurogomma has created a polyurethane screen panel  incorporating our PURFil screen mesh so to give the same design of the woven wire screens previously used but made of durable polyurethane material.


We are aimed to create your solutions.

Creativeness = new products

Gold mining trommel screens polyurethane screens wire screens high efficiency


Summer is here!

Summer is just a few days away and Eurogomma is happy to offer our clients a free gift to enjoy your holidays with the right protection during dog days and summer storms.

If you are one of our clients and you would like to receive this beautiful free gift download the form from, fill it with your information and send it to


The free gift is visible at the youtube link


Perhaps you would take the chance to visit the homeland of Eurogomma.

Italy offers marvelous sightseeing, unique arts and culture, millennial history, excellent cuisine and white beaches*

Enjoy your summer!


*The beach in the picture is Budelli in Sardinia

Summer is here!

free gift Eurogomma summertime

Diamond mining, Diamond screening Rockwell Diamonds De Beers Diamonds Namdeb GET flexy screens


Cuba Libre!

For the most of the World this is just a famous drink but Cuba libre! is a motto being deep under the skin of the Caribbean island.

A new mine for the production of lead and zinc is now operative in Cuba and this represent a great opportunity for the economical development of the area and of the inhabitants creating the base for a solid personal independence.

Eurogomma is proud to be the Supplier of all the wear parts for the flotation circuit of the mine being essential part of the mineral production process.

We are happy to be part of this project and of the human involvement it is leading to.

Cuba Libre!

Cuba mining flotation cells polyurethane rotor polyurethane stator Lead and zinc mining


A new factory in Russia!

The opening of a new factory in Russia is for Eurogomma reason of great satisfaction. This factory will create the path for the development of our company in the World biggest country.

In a moment of global economical constriction it is our pride to see the expansion of our projects.

The attentive and dynamic Management together with the historical values of Quality, Creativeness and Novelty of the brand Eurogomma have taken us to another success.

Our gratitude goes to all our collaborators who have made this possible.

A new factory in Russia!


GET flexy is now online at

GET flexy is undoubtedly the most innovative screening product of Eurogomma.

For this reason we have decided to launch a dedicated website in order to give our clientele all the necessary information and data.

Please link to to learn about one of the newest technology in mineral classification

GET flexy is now online at

Polyurethane screens non-clogging screen panels GET flexy screen panels polyurethane screens


Boomerang and peanut shaped apertures win the challenge also in Austria!

Eurogomma was informed by its Austrian distributor, THI AS(, to have won the challenge with competitors in flip-flop screening.

The Enduser, the company Lasselsberger ( has been trying to solve blinding problem with this technology for long time without any success... till they met Werupa and Eurogomma.

Eurogomma's screen panels with boomerang shaped apertures have now been running for more than 1 year with no blinding effect at all!

All competitors' screen panels were blanking after few hours of operation.

In addition Eurogomma's screen panels are showing no wearing effect despite the screen deck is fed with 0 > 32mm gravel and 0 > 4mm Quartzsand.

We are proud to win every challenge

Boomerang and peanut shaped apertures win the challenge also in Austria!

polyurethane screens flip flop flip flop screens difficult screening applications polyurethane screening

Goldfields Ghana Tarkwa polyurethane screens mill discharge screen